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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The end of the beginning

As Winston Churchill put it, "This is not the End.  It is not even the Beginning of the End.  It is, perhaps, the End of the Beginning."

With this entry, I finish my participation in the December version of NaBloPoMo 2008.  It has been worthwhile; once again, as with NaPodPoMo, I've had demonstrated to me that one only inspires interest by continually producing interesting content.  And "continually" is the operative term here.

Someone once pointed out that for a blog to be successful, it has to be consistent in content, but also consistent in producing new content.  For all the claims of SEO mavens, Google mostly looks for continual production of new content.  For all the contentions of quality-over-quantity mavens, if you don't have sufficient quantity, no one will notice your quality, or at least not as many folks will.

For 30 days I produced one podcast a day.  For 31 days I produced one blogpost a day.  I have seen more interest in both cases, simply because there was more to be interested in.  Certainly, I could have produced better-quality and more interesting content.

But that would demand I actually know something.

Not happening this year.  Maybe next year.


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