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Monday, March 23, 2009

My first Bit Part

Wanted to share with you, my first voice acting bit part.  I was in Sally’s Daddy vs. The Alligator over at Misfit Audio, and I played Alligator # 2.  Quoting from the shownotes:

"Imagine being a school teacher, and one of your young students has a fantastic story, about three, big, ugly alligators, and one brave daddy.  And of course this happens, on a sunny afternoon, in one of our southern states. Could this true or is it one heck of an imagination of a young girl? You decide!"

Written and Edited by: Charles W. Russell
Directed by: Capt. John Tadrzak
Post-Production: April Sadowski

I'm downloading it as I type this, so I don't know if I was any good!


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