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Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Stuff

Added a couple more Nifty New Features to my domains -- and noticed one I'd forgotten I'd set up.

The two I just created were for the NaNaPooPoo Podcast Community Network.  Of course, points to the page where I explain the network, have links to subscribe, and a widget to show the current Stuff on the network.

In addition, now goes directly to the Podroll, if for example, you wanted to subscribe directly to any of the podcasts on the Network, or if you want a link to the podcasts' own webpages.

Also, goes directly to the Bookroll, a separate list for the serialized audiobooks included in the Network.  That includes links to the general-purpose subscription links for the included books (the Network only includes the first chapter or episode), and also a direct link to that book on  I recommend you subscribe to the book using the personalized feeds offered at Podiobooks.  That way you can receive the episodes on your own schedule, and you'll also have a place to share comments and reviews of the books.

Then there's the one I'd forgotten about, for the NaBloPoMo Collective Feed.   I'd forgotten, but I'd set up to point directly to the feed itself.  Not required to use the feed, the is exactly the same thing, but I had it there, and maybe somebody wants that for something?

There's more, but I'll leave that for some other time.


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