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Thursday, January 22, 2009

I gotta wonder...

So, if I went back to the Androy Hotel, in Superior WI, to sing Karaoke, would the Night Auditor still be mad at me, and refuse to let me use "his" bathrooms?  I miss singing at the Androy, I miss Jon B and the whole gang.  But hey, at my age, I can't go to a bar where they won't let me pee.

Not like I did anything weird in the bathroom, just some ill will between me and their Night Guy.  Gotta suck, sometimes, being the night guy for a hotel, with a bar, and the best-known after-bar breakfast restaurant in the area.  So yeah, I feel his pain.  But no, I never threw anything at him. 

I was sitting on the sidewalk out front, waiting for my cab home.  I tossed a burned-out cigarette butt on the sidewalk, it bounced, and (he contends) it hit him.  Okay, fine, I was  drinkin', whatevah.  And yeah, we'd just had a political argument.   Arguing seems to have been the default behavior, under the previous administration.

I'm just sayin'.

So, do I go back to my favorite, and primary, karaoke bar, at the Androy, or not?  I'm getting kinda tired of the whole thing.  I miss the place.  I miss Spring -- but that'd be a whole 'nother blog-post.  Hell, a whole 'nother blog.

Anybody help me out here?


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