Oh, my fucking God. My home nurse who I love dearly and trusted implicitly wouldn't let me explain to her boss that he was violating ADA by not giving me access to my own records on the machine my insurance helps pay for. Aveanna. She told me he'd fire her if I tried to tell him. I told my PCP that. The genius autistic guy, she so admires, Nurse Nancy.
"I'm listening" while talking to her boss who was going to fire her on the phone. Listening? Right. Interrupts me and I'm being rude for yelling about her not listening. Then she storms out, my nurse who I trusted. And the understanding woman who called the cops because she thought I was a threat to my sister. My sister didn't think I was a threat. The cops were baffled why they were even called. And everyone and no one is listening.
And no one, including my PCP from Essentia can figure out why I'm stressed and anxious. "Take these pills to fix the anxiety!!!" How about fixing the problems I'm anxious about? How about fixing your busted-ass procedures? Can't because everyone is terrified they'll have to be responsible for their own actions. And they're protecting me so well with their 2VA that I can't use their online services, like twit.social. They're protecting me by keeping me from using services I can't afford but can't live without. Security? Why do you think I -need- anti-anxiety medications in the first place?
People I trust. "I'm your nurse!" Nurses aren't supposed to care about the patient more than the Procedures? They aren't supposed to care about actually obeying the law (ADA, HIPPA) rather than following the Procedure?
I'd have shown this to Nurse Nancy from Aveanna first, but she was so busy listening -- while talking to her boss who was going to fire her for following the law on the phone -- an then telling him "see, I told you he's being unreasonable!" I told her to get the hell out.
Her boss (who she said would fire her for using the big-ass tablet he provided to show me my own records in my own house) was on the phone. And she was telling him how unreasonable I was being about them not violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by denying me visible access to my own records. The guy she said was going to fire her. But she was "listening."
Who's in charge? The ignorant thug and bully you just elected President? Who wants to run the government like a business? And not like a government, because he couldn't be bothered to understand how a government is supposed to work? Because he was busy running his business -- that doesn't pay it's bills and declares bankruptcy just to avoid paying bills or taxes?
God *damn* I hate political rants and fucking cussing! Do I owe you a fucking apology yet? Do I owe you one, Nurse Nancy? You said you liked me calling you Nancy, wouldn't come to see me when I needed your help, and now "I'm just your nurse!" Listening politely while talking to your boss who was going to fire you on the phone.
Was going to fire you because he's protecting me, a half-blind guy, from seeing my own records in my own house on my own wifi... because the procedure says he can't. The ADA says he has to for this old half-blind guy. I have to hand her my tablet with my info on it, and she's got this huge tablet, and her boss is going to fire her because the half-blind patient wants to be able to see it on the big-ass tablet she walked in with?
Who's in charge? Let's see if I can quote that Kris Kristofferson song, to make a point:
From memory.
"If a cheated man's a loser,
And if cheaters never win,
And if beggars can't be choosers
Till they're weak and wealthy men,
And the old keep getting older,
And the young must do the same,
And it's never getting better...
Whose to bless and who's to blame?"
God bless. Who knows, maybe there actually is one. Beats me.
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