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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pacific, Stage 2 - Sale Now On

International Date Line Special
Get your bargains here....20% off

Freya likes to travel in her Roz Bag.... No, we're not setting up a dating agency, or one of those dodgey phone lines to call Lovely Ladies....There's a Sale On! From today until Roz crosses the International Date Line there is 20% off all Roz Savage Branded items at the Roz-Shop. Who knows how long it will last? If we were allowed to bet we could open a book on it....
Get yourself a new hat, buy a load of bags and give them to your friends. Or sell them to your friends and send Roz your profits.... let's use these quality items to keep the ripples moving around the world.
In the photo you can see my daughter Freya enjoys being carried about in her Roz shopping bag. If it can carry a chubby baby, just think how much shopping you could get in there!
Comedy Climate Change...
'Hudson and Pepperdine Save the Planet'

This afternoon I listened to a fun yet thoughtful play on the BBC Radio 4, all about 2 women trying to Save the World from the impact of Climate Change. They race against time to come up with ideas to save us before the sea comes to claim London at 6:40pm - according to the TV Schedules! It's on the BBC listen again site for the next 7 days. Enjoy.

Pass it on.....
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A Social Worker's call

I don't even know how to explain this.  Mike McLaughlin from the CVSA said I needed to talk to a Social Worker.  Fine, Social Workers ar...