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Sunday, August 30, 2009

We Dream for Jeanne

Found this on the website of someone I like and admire a lot, author Spider Robinson. Jeanne's his wife, and they're having some tough times.



This year a brilliant surgeon, Dr. Andresz Busczowski, helped Jeanne Robinson beat back a rare and virulent form of biliary cancer. But it’s so rare even he can’t say how much time he‘s bought her, how soon it might recur. For technical reasons she is not a candidate for either radiation or chemo. Her only hope for longterm survival is therefore to reboot and reinvigorate her failed immune system. She needs special therapies and meds, extensive diet and lifestyle changes, and a stress level as close to zero as possible. All those are expensive, none are covered by even Canada’s excellent medical care...and like many artists today the Robinsons were already running on fumes financially.

But Jeanne, a Soto Zen monk, has been spreading love and kindness in all directions for a long time. So her Buddhist sangha in Vancouver, her neighbors on Bowen Island, and friends as far away as Florida have all spontaneously come together to raise funds to help keep her around as long as possible. Your participation is welcomed. A Bowen benefit concert, “WE DREAM FOR JEANNE,” will be held at Cates Hill Chapel at 7:30 PM on Friday Sept 18 details here; cheques may be made out to Jeanne Robinson in Trust and sent to Mountain Rain Zen Center, 6183 Fraser St. Vancouver, BC V5W 2Z9; goods or services can be donated for eBay auction by contacting Jan Schroeder at <>, and PayPal donations can be sent to


I'm broke. I hope you can help them, though.



Jeanne's Paypal account is here. Send via paypal to

More smoking restrictions

More smoking restrictions

Friday, August 28, 2009

The IDSL 08/26/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

You can manually grab a copy from, too.

On "The IDSL" today:

"Can't Wait Anymore" from Unopened Presence

"Can't Wish It Away" from SteelgunBlu - The Music of Jeff Page

"Can you feel it?" from Rubasch

"Candle Black" from American Rust

"Can't Forget" from Tow Truck Tom and the Roadside Wrecks

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The IDSL 08/25/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

On "The IDSL" today:


Can't Be Wrong" from The Weables

"Can't Make Love Alone" from Dances With Worms

"Can't Make You Love Me" from 1/2 Act

"Can't Say No" from ShovelDance

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Monday, August 24, 2009

The IDSL 08/24/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

If you'd like you can directly download a copy from

On "The IDSL" today:

"C U Next Time" from Rock On

"Cab Ride Through the South Side" from D B Phillips

"Calling down the stars" from Christian Nielsen

Podcast Bailout PSA from John Bell of "Bell's in the Batfry" podcast

"Camden Town" from Her Favorite Things

"Camille" from Elverse

"Stunna Shades" and "Tonight" from CBYA

"First Met You," the 12th and final track off John MacLean's "Letters Home" album. Thanks John!

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The IDSL 08/21/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

On "The IDSL" today:

"Bye Bye Bananas" from Doc's Kids

"Byte Me!" from ROMBAL

"Come Clean," "Don't Forget About Me," and "Lift_This_Fog" from Chris Kirby, who I found via Ariel Publicity

"Pancho and Lefty," Track 11 off John MacLean's "Letters Home" album

Thanks for listening!

Themes: "In My Dreams" from Natalie Brown and "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The IDSL 08/20/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

NOTE: My computer decided the pinhole microphone on my newly-installed Webcam was the one I wanted to use to record the show. Figured out the problem after 20-30 minutes or so. Sorry!

On "The IDSL" today:

"Bury" from taylor one


"Butcher Block" from LOB (LEGION OF BOOM)

"Buttered Toast (rEmIX)" from Frumpy

"By Design" from Troop Of Echoes

"Faraway Friends," Track 10 off John MacLean's "Letters Home" album

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The IDSL 08/19/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

On "The IDSL" today:

"brutal" from Fettler

"Bullet Proof Vest" from Peculiar Red

"Burning Bridges" from Jens Hegg

"Burning Darkness of Night" from The Copperheads

"Burnt it Up" from the Syprhians

"Beyond Our Time," Track 9 off John MacLean's "Letters Home" album

Thanks for listening!

Themes: "In My Dreams" from Natalie Brown and "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pacific, Stage 2 - Sale Now On

International Date Line Special
Get your bargains here....20% off

Freya likes to travel in her Roz Bag.... No, we're not setting up a dating agency, or one of those dodgey phone lines to call Lovely Ladies....There's a Sale On! From today until Roz crosses the International Date Line there is 20% off all Roz Savage Branded items at the Roz-Shop. Who knows how long it will last? If we were allowed to bet we could open a book on it....
Get yourself a new hat, buy a load of bags and give them to your friends. Or sell them to your friends and send Roz your profits.... let's use these quality items to keep the ripples moving around the world.
In the photo you can see my daughter Freya enjoys being carried about in her Roz shopping bag. If it can carry a chubby baby, just think how much shopping you could get in there!
Comedy Climate Change...
'Hudson and Pepperdine Save the Planet'

This afternoon I listened to a fun yet thoughtful play on the BBC Radio 4, all about 2 women trying to Save the World from the impact of Climate Change. They race against time to come up with ideas to save us before the sea comes to claim London at 6:40pm - according to the TV Schedules! It's on the BBC listen again site for the next 7 days. Enjoy.

Pass it on.....
Social Networking

This newsletter goes to over 1500 Rozinators in over 100 countries. Forward this newsletter or the website address to all your friends and let's get the whole world involved.
There are lots of ways to follow Roz and her adventure:
Daily blogs, regular Tweets, a weekly Video on YouTube, weekly Podcast with Leo Laporte...spread the word.


This weeks Blogs

This message was sent from Roz Savage to It was sent from: Roz Savage, London, England, London, England 123456, United Kingdom. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The IDSL 08/18/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

With my lovely and talented co-host, Your Girl Kali!

On "The IDSL" today:

"Brother Hawk" from American Gypsy

"Brouhaha" from The Oneironauts

"Brown Out" from room101

"Bruised" from Scott Morrisson Band

"Brundle Fly" from Gabe Powers

"Liar's War (Letter Home)," Track 8 off John MacLean's "Letters Home" album

"In My Dreams" from Natalie Brown's "Let The Candle Burn" album

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This could be hard...

As far as I can tell, it's official: I'll be attending the Media Studies and Production program at Lake Superior College, just up the hill from me here in Duluth.

I have all the Financial Aid paperwork done, so funding is at least applied for, and probably will be granted.  I have an additional, special funding source because I'm considered a Displaced Worker.

So I should be starting school next Monday.  Which is good.


The school has decided to make the entire campus smoke-free
.  Indoors and outdoors, parking lots and all.  If you're caught smoking in your own car in the parking lot, you're subject to a $50 fine and "a hold placed on your record."  Whatever that means.

I've been smoking since 1978, starting in Basic Training.  I'm 50 years old.  I'm not likely to quit.

I also have Asperger Syndrome to cope with.  I get stressed by changes in environment, meeting new people, crowds, noise, all that stuff.  And now my erstwhile school wants to take away one of my main stress relievers.   I can't step outside on my breaks and have a smoke.  I have to completely leave the campus to do so.

This was already going to be hard.   Their draconian decision will make it much harder.

Thanks guys.  How can I ever repay you?


Sunday, August 16, 2009

September NaBloPoMo Collective Feed

It's that time once again!

I just looked at the Collective feed to see what was in there. Nothing was in the feed. Not even me! Turned out every blog that had been listed in the Collective Feed had expired, including mine. Could be, nobody's trying NaBloPoMo in the heat of the summer; there's so much other fun stuff to do out in the sunshine, after all.

Still, if you are attempting National Blog Post Month for September, the Feed is still available and functional. And now would be a good time to get your blog reactivated.

If you'd like to be on the September NaBloPoMo Collective Feed, first check the expiration date for your blog at, the current Feedlist (at any given time). If your blog is already there and doesn't expire till after the end of September, no worries. If it's there and expired or expiring soon, let me know you want your entry updated.

To be added, reply to the discussion in the NaBloPoMo Collective Feed group with:

The name of your blog,

A shorter name (to fit in those brackets at the beginning of your title),

The URL of your RSS feed,

The URL of your blog itself.

Normally, except for setup, the Collective Feed is run automatically (by Yahoo Pipes, if you were wondering). By default your blog will be ignored 45 days after you last told me to update it last. Only your last post shows up in the Feed at any given time. And posts over 31 days old are ignored in any case. This is intended to keep the feed both timely and compact.

Thanks for your interest.


I've Got Everything I Need... Almost...

(The title is from a Blues Brother's tune, by the way.)

On Friday, I got a cool new package I'm calling my Birthday Present, though I actually bought the silly thing for myself.

It's called a Behringer PodcastStudio Firewire bundle.  It includes an 8-channel mixer, a Firewire interface (stereo in and out to the computer), a decent condenser microphone, a decent headset, and all the cables you need to hook it everything up.

I really, really wanted this, because I figured I'd be able to play my tunes on my own machine via Mediamonkey, out through the firewire thingie to the mixer, then back into the computer to Skype, through Skype to BlogTalk Radio, where I've been doing a live show for a while now.  Normally there, I have to upload any music I want to play to BTR, then play the files via BTR's rather clumbsy Switchboard interface.  That way I can't actually hear what the music sounds like, though.  Hard for me to comment on music I can't hear well.  My worry there, admittedly, was loss of audio quality due to the many stages in the audio path: MediaMonkey to the Firewirebox to the Mixer to the Firewire box to Skype to the Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) to BTR to whatever happens after that.

It's extremely hard to know how "good" the audio is after all those stages.  It might be good for one listener, bad for another.  It might be half-assed for everybody, or worse than that.  All I can judge from is what I'm told by the folks listening way out at the other end of the audio stream.  And there's really very little of that audio path over which I have any control at all -- Skype and The POTS system and BTR are entirely out of my hands.

Add to that, the POTS system, even if it's working well, is a very low bandwidth path.  Voice phonecalls are expected to use no more than 8 Khz or so, the bandwidth the very first phones would use.  The Phone Co doesn't promise to provide any more than that.  The idea there is that (more or less) old POTS hardware is -never- out of date; if it isn't Broken, you can take a really old phone, plug it in (or wire it in with the really old ones), and it'll still work as well as ever.

Skype has, in my experience, had a lot better audio quality than the POTS.  But that doesn't help because POTS is still in the path, possibly the weakest link.  Add to that, though, BlogTalk Radio's equipment actually has -lower- bandwidth than POTS.  I know BTR is monaural, and I've heard it's like 4.x Khz.  That is phenomenally low quality on a good day.

But wait, it gets worse.  BTR has a finite amount of outward streaming bandwidth available.  They have a whole lot more than I do, but it's still finite -- there's just so much and no more.  If they have a lot of shows on, each show gets a smaller slice of that only-so-large pie. 

I actually don't fault them for that.  It's called "BlogTalk Radio," not "BlogMusic Radio."  Most Talk Radio is on AM, not a terribly high-bandwidth broadcast path.  I think what BTR promises to deliver bandwidth-wise, they're delivering.  (They have other tech problems from time to time.  That's why I wanted to play my music locally in the first place.)

Speaking of what I have available...

I'm using Skype.  That's essentially all the streaming bandwidth I've got in the game.  And that seems to be plenty, far as I know.  At the far end of Skype, the audio ought to be just fine.  But streaming bandwidth isn't the only issue.  Processor time is critically important in livestreaming.

While I'm streaming, I'm running: Skype; BlogTalk Radio's Switchboard is open in Firefox; the Chatroom is open in Firefox; MediaMonkey is running to play my tunes.  The drivers for the Firewire interface are working overtime with alla that audio data.  I tend to have Tweetdeck open, so I can tell people what I'm doing on the show.  I tend to have other webpages open with info on the songs I'm playing.  Then there's Callburner which I have been using for recording the shows as I've done them in the past, and Audacity I've been attempting to use for recording with the new hardware.  Any windows I have open and visible are also driving my video displays (I use two); for example, Audacity updates the view of the recorded track as it's being recorded.

This puts an hellaceous load on my processor, on top of the already relatively hellaceous load from the audio stream itself.  And all of it has to run in real time, or the audio stream sounds like crap.

True, if I have the knobs set wrong on the mixer, the stream sounds like crap.  But that's something I can try to control.  All the rest of the stream I don't control at all.

One surprising result.  While attempting today's BTR stream and playing a lot of music, I decided to see how well uStream might work for the show.  I'm told the audio on the far end was actually pretty good.  It may be that the real problem with the audio quality from BTR is inside BTR itself.  I know that their phone-in system, the only way for a producer to connect to their hardware, doesn't work reliably.  It wouldn't surprise me a bit if it also constrained the audio bandwidth too much for my purposes, or just plain passed lousy-sounding audio.  As I said, it's BlogTalk Radio.  With someone calling in over a phone and just talking, many variations in audio quality will be lost in a jungle of varying speech levels and tones and whatnot.

But uStream was built from the ground up not only as a Streaming service, but in fact a Video streaming service.  Video uses vastly more bandwidth than audio on a good day, so they have to have more room anyway, might as well have plenty for audio.  Stop the video stream, you might even be offered more room for audio, not sure about that.  uStream captures their audio and video from a Flash driver right on my machine, with no intervening POTS hardware.  And I've confirmed I -can- stream from the mixer into uStream's audio inputs -- Flash just uses the default recording device, and it's easy enough to tell Vista my Default is my Behringer hardware.

So it appears, if I want to have a decent-quality stream on BTR, I have to go back to the old way.  And if I want a good-quality audio stream using the new hardware and software configuration, I need at least to switch to uStream.

That I'll have to think about.

Thanks for listening to my rant.  See ya around.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The IDSL 08/13/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

If you'd like, download a copy directly from

On "The IDSL" today:

"Breathe" from Seth Rush

"Breathe" from Troop Of Echoes

"Brian's Song" from Michael Dawald

"Brighter Day" from Words Of Wise

"Bring it on" from Hostile Environment

"New American Way," Track 5 off John MacLean's "Letters Home" album

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The IDSL 08/11/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

You can download a copy from, if you'd like.

With Co-host "Your Girl Kali" from the Flaws and All show here on BTR!

On "The IDSL" today:

"Brand New Disease" from Stupid Emo Kid

"Breaking My Fall"from Laura Helde

"Breakthru" from Eddie Mac

"Breathe" from Autumn Dervish

"Breathe" from Landspeeder!

"Still Waters" from John Maclean off his "Letters Home" album

And from Assembly of Dust, who I found via Ariel Publicity, by the way:

"All That I Am Now" featuring Richie Havens

"Arc of the Sun" featuring Mike Gordon

"The Second Song" featuring Keller Williams

"Leadbelly" featuring Jerry Douglas

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The IDSL 08/10/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

You can manually download a copy from, as always.

On "The IDSL" today:

"Bottom Out" from Stupid Emo_Kid

"Bottomless Pit" from Mimic of a Mind

"Box of Medals" from The Pins

Comment from Shawno of the Shawnogram and Hypernonsense podcasts

"boxes" from Joel Oscar

"Boy Meets Dog" from Noah Bradley

"Courage to Care" from John MacLean off his "Letters Home" album

"Strange Woman, Stranger Man" from Owen Poteat

"In Your Arms Again" from Natalie Brown

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The IDSL 08/07/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

You can download The IDSL directly from, if you'd like.

On "The IDSL" today:

"B.I.O.H.H. (Blame It On HipHop)" from Hotskeems

"Bored Game" from Third Element

"Bored to Tears" from Idiocreiton

"born within" from Jana Thornton

"Bottom of the World" from Darkfold

And the second track, "Baltimore," from John MacLean's album, "Letters Home."

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Friday, August 7, 2009

The IDSL 08/06/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

You can download the show directly from, too.

On "The IDSL" today, with my sometime Co-host, YourGirlKali of "Flaws and All" on BTR:

"Blurry Facts and Waking Eyes (Windows)" from room101

"Bobby" from American Gypsy

"Body of the Blood Machine" from Big Jesus and the Homeless Bastards

"Bombs Away" from Stupid Emo Kid

"Bones in the Hourglass" from Funhead

"Boondock Saint" from Ck5

"Blind Willie McTell" from John MacLean off his "Letters Home" album

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Roz Savage Newsletter

New Look Website
Following the update to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, is now Up and Running. Evan from Archinoetics has been burning the midnight oil re-building the website and I think you will agree that it's a good look. Access to all Roz's blogs, podcasts, videos etc is now from the front page, and all comments are now on the site instead of spread across to the blog site. Check It Out!
Loop de Loop
Getting a perspective on the world
This week Roz has been observing the perils of watching the GPS too closely as the winds and currents blow her in big circles. The good news is that not only are she and the Brocade now heading in the right direction, but with a few wise words reminding herself to look at the big picture she is in good spirits as well. You'll be pleased to know that all the comments posted by the Rozinators (or whatever we're called this today) are sent on to her daily and the words of encouragement are greatly appreciated.

Pssst, there's something cool going on
Social Networking

This newsletter goes to over 1500 Rozinators in over 100 countries. Forward this newsletter or the website address to all your friends and let's get the whole world involved.
There are lots of ways to follow Roz and her adventure:
Daily blogs, regular Tweets, a weekly Video on YouTube, weekly Podcast with Leo Laporte...spread the word.

Blogger Twitter
Blogger Blogger

David Faivus
John DeHeras
Sarah DeHeras
Nancy Miller

This message was sent from Roz Savage to It was sent from: Roz Savage, London, England, London, England 123456, United Kingdom. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

The IDSL 08/05/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

You can download a copy from, too.

On "The IDSL" today:

"Blue Dolphins in June" from Michael Dawald


"Blue Troll Jelly" from Spindle

"blueberry cemetary" from Moon to Monk

"Blue" from Diva Dolls

"Blues in X" from nova jazz orchestra

"In Your Arms Again" and "In My Dreams" from Natalie Brown

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The IDSL 08/04/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

You could grab a copy directly off, of course.

On "The IDSL" today:

"Bloom" from Brock

"BlowUp" from The TAM's

"Blue (Pre-Production)" from Echo Effect

"Blue Nude" from sonafide

"Blue Song" from Chris O'Brien and Cohorts

"Don't Forget to Remember" from TV's Kyle of The Funny Music Project

"Out of Snark" from Tom Smith of The FuMP

"Cthulhu Fthagn" from Tom Smith and The Great Luke Ski of The FuMP

Thanks for listening!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Laura Ling & Euna Lee freed!

As the rest of the world is already saying, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, the two reporters sentenced to 12 years hard labor in North Korea, have been freed, and are now being escorted on a plane back to the U.S. by former President Bill Clinton. That is so cool!

Yes, that's why that graphic has been on my blog header for the past while. I'm going to leave it there till they're physically back in the US. I doubt my little gesture meant much. But one does what one can.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The IDSL 07/31/2009 (Comment line 218-234-CALL)

You can grab a copy of this show from, too.

On "The IDSL" today:

"Blank Sheet" from Copper

"Bleed" from Tim Mahoney

"Blind Parade" from The Decomposeurs

"Blinded by the Moonlight" from Belly Flopp

"Blinded Love" from Universal Intelligence

I also played a phone comment from John MacLean, who'd sent me a copy of his CD. He does some very nice folksy music, and I plan on playing some later. Thought you might be amused by what Google Voice's speech-to-text system thought John said:

Transcript: hey kelly this is donna calling from the boston area i just
want to let you know that since discovered your your blog i've been
listening to it and the especially love listen on 24th of july and my
favorite song so far as best to me about your back of i was great song and
anyway i'm also thrilled to hear that you've received my C D voice message and
that you're that you're like in it and you may even play at i hope that you
all we'll do that and hope oaks like listen to it but in any event you're
doing on the closing and i'm gonna go out about the rock seen in minnesota
while rocks you're planning is 60 thanks a lot and best of tested rebecca bye

Thanks for calling, Donna! :)

And thanks for listening everybody!

Theme: "140 Times" from RockOn

Want to hear it all better? Try here!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

If we'd known you was comin'...

Just got pointed to an article at about Iain Banks' new novel, "Transition," and how they've come up with this groundbreaking new technique for distributing the book: as a free, serialized, podcast audiobook.  Lovely idea.  And then, "Sarah Shrubb, editorial director of Hachette Digital, said: "This is the first time an audio has been serialised in this way, and we're very excited to be doing something so groundbreaking." "


I am in the middle of finishing my sixth, free, serialized, podcast audiobook.  I'm just a producer, not an author.  And I came way, way, late to the game.  There are authors who have been publishing this way for years.  You could look them up.  Several have been quite successful, and some have hit the New York Times Bestseller lists & whatnot.

And now Iain Banks is "the first."  If we'd a known he was comin', we'd a baked a cake.

I gather Mr Banks is a very good author, and I strongly suspect that he, at least, knew he wasn't the first.  It is unfortunate Ms. Shrubb wasn't quite so informed about her own industry.  Glad she's excited, though.  Excited is good.  Informed would be a nice addition.



A Social Worker's call

I don't even know how to explain this.  Mike McLaughlin from the CVSA said I needed to talk to a Social Worker.  Fine, Social Workers ar...