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Friday, May 27, 2011

Something of an honor

Back when Christchurch in New Zealand had their big earthquake, I was quite moved to see the video and think about how frightened and unsafe everyone felt, and left a comment on their website.  Later I got a nice email that they wanted to use my comment in the Actual Paper.  Very cool, I thought.

Being the arrogant, self-absorbed fella I am, I went looking for my comment on their website.  Turns out they've gotten hundreds of comments of support, including 343 of them from the US.  I scanned through all of them.

Mine is 342 of 343.

I also mentioned one of my (many) favorite authors P.J. Ballantine.  But yes, in the end, it's all about me. ;-)

Seriously, it's good to see they're rebuilding and doing better.  And I hear they're getting tourists again.  Sure wish I could be one of them.

Oh, wait, all about me again... 

Ich Bin Ein Cantabrian.


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