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Friday, May 15, 2009

Free PDF version of Nina Kimberly the Merciless

But wait, there's more!

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From: Christiana Ellis
Subject: [pbauthors] Free PDF version of Nina Kimberly the Merciless!

Hello again, everybody!

I posted about the videos, and then I posted about the audio promos, but
I've saved the best for last!

I now have available the free pdf version of the complete novel!

It feels like the run-up to all this has taken forever, but tomorrow, the
15th, is the big day!

If any of you would be willing to place the free pdf in your feeds or on
your websites, you would be doing me a huge favor, and I'm hoping that,
with all of your help, we can once again show that podcast fiction has the
power to make a difference out there in the new marketplace. :)

Thank you everyone, for your support, and I hope that I will soon have the
opportunity to return the favor for all of you!

Nina Kimberly the Merciless - Coming to print May 15th!
Available now at and!

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